NBA 2K15 – Erstes großes Update auf PS4 verfügbar

Johannes 1 Comment
2 Min Read

2K Games hat das erste große Title Update für ‚NBA 2K15‘ veröffentlicht, das ab sofort auf PS4 und Xbox One zur Verfügung steht.

Das rund 1 Gigabyte große Update korrigiert Fehler im gesamten Spiel, darunter bei den Face Scans, die teils sehr merkwürdige Ergebnisse hervorbrachten, zahlreiche Optimierungen bei MyPark und in Online-Play, die 2KTV Episoden können jetzt in der Wiederholung angeschaut werden und vieles mehr.


  • Made a number of stability fixes to improve the quality of the MyPARK experience, and online as a whole.
  • Improvements have been made to the face scanning experience. Please ensure you have plenty of balanced lighting (natural light is best) for best results.
  • The correct animation will now be shown in Edit Player when scrolling through the available list of animations.
  • Fixed a rare hang that would occur when changing the in-game language from the Options menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the user who invited would sometimes hang at the conclusion of a playoff game in Online Leagues.
  • Addressed an issue in MyGM/MyLEAGUE where, in certain cases, the game would not allow the user to exceed 13 players during the free agency period of the offseason.
  • Fixed a rare occurrence where Doris Burke would warp off the screen prior to an on-court interview with a player/coach.
  • Addressed a number of locations where voice chat icons and Online IDs were not properly displayed during the online experience (PS4).
  • Users are now able to re-watch 2KTV episodes that have already been watched to completion.


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