WWE 2K18 – Patch 1.03 mit diversen Optimierungen online & DLC Leak

Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
3 Min Read

2K Games und Visual Concepts sind ebenfalls stetig bemüht, die WWE 2K18-Erfahrung zu verbessern, sodass aktuell der Patch 1.03 verfügbar ist, einschließlich einem kommenden DLC Leak.

Während neue Features oder die neuen DLCs noch etwas auf sich warten lassen, schraubt man zunächst an der Optimierung des Spiels, die sich mit dem aktuellen Update durch alle Bereiche zieht, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, bei Create-a-Video auch aus Zwischensequenzen wählen zu können. Details dazu verrät euch der folgende Changelog:

Road to Glory Fixes

  • Fixed issue where a MyPLAYER’s qualification progress was reset in bad networking situations in Road to Glory.
  • Fixed issue with PSN wait time and matchmaking times in Road to Glory.

Highlight Video:

  • Create a video – added the ability to choose from cutscenes using the following entrance, promo, and universe/career. From these sub options you can choose the cast (wrestlers) for the highlights.

General Bug Fixing

  • Gameplay: The referee fails to count pin falls or disqualifications in 8-man matches with entrances on in gameplay.
  • Fixed an issue where Ref doesn’t count the pin in Tag Team matches when entrances are enabled.
  • Universe: The title fatal crashes when starting any promo in Universe.
  • Fixed crash that would occur when starting a user-created Self-Promotion Promo.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed rivalries to occur between Superstars of different genders
  • Fixed not being able to select the “No Mercy” PPV theme when customizing a PPV.
  • Fixed Royal Rumble winners being booked into title matches for the World Title of both co-hosting shows at WrestleMania.
  • Fixed some cases where rivalries would break and lead to continuous One-on-One and Two-on-Two matches between the rivals.
    – Note: This patch will not retroactively fix a broken rivalry.
  • Fixed cutscenes where the wrong Superstars are shown, or where Superstars are swapped.
  • Reduced chances of Falls Count Anywhere matches being booked on Major Shows.
  • Increased chances of rivalries occurring that involve a champion; this should lead to more title matches occurring overall.
  • The Duration of naturally-occurring rivalries will now vary.
    – Non-title rivalries will be randomized between Short and Medium durations.
    – Title rivalries will be randomized between Medium and Long durations.

Was der Patch wohl nicht absichtlich mit sich brachte, sind die Entrance Videos, die eigentlich erst mit dem nächsten NXT DLC zu sehen sein sollten und schon jetzt den Weg zu Youtube fanden.

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