Games of Glory – Patch 1.05 samt neuem Clone erschienen

Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
4 Min Read

Die Lightbulb Crew hat jüngst das Update 1.04 für ihren MOBA-Titel ‚Games of Glory‘ für PlayStation 4 und den PC veröffentlicht, mit dem ein weiterer Clone im Spiel Einzug hält.

Es stellt sich vor: Booma! Booma ist eine etwas seltsame, aber dennoch königliche Figur unter den Einwohner des Skiutera Systems, die zudem ein hohes Ansehen genießt. Als die ersten Kolonisten ankamen, hat sie die Verteidigung angeführt, aber als die Macht der Eindringlinge wirklich ersichtlich wurde, unterzeichnete sie einen Friedensvertrag,  um das Sterben zu beenden. Trotzdem wurde sie vom Skiuteran Governor zu den Games of Glory.

Mit dem Patch wurden zudem zahlreiche Korrekturen am Spiel vorgenommen, die Lightbulb im folgenden Changelog festgehalten hat. Mehr zu Games of Glory verrät euch auch unsere Preview zum Spiel.


  • Totally re-factored camera to improve movement and visibility
  • Tweaked bots AI so that they behave better on all difficulty levels, and provide a good challenge for players
  • Updated matchmaking system so that players find ranked matches more quickly –
  • Booma is the new Clone to welcome players on the home screen
  • The XP and Crediti earned per match has been doubled
  • Small boost to Ragnar’s health

Bug Fixes

  • [PC] Minor inconsistencies in font sizes in setting menus, minor menu panel display bugs
  • [PC][PS4] Loss of controller functionality when opening options menu in custom game lobby
  • [PC][PS4] Various minor issues in Clone selection screen
  • [PC] Minor audio fixes on Club creation and Club profile screens
  • [PC][PS4] Players that did not select a team were not kicked from the lobby and/or remained stuck in loading, lobby, or title screen under certain circumstances
  • [PS4] After a network error occurs in a local game, the user would remain stuck on the loading screen when attempting to start another game
  • [PC][PS4] Flickering textures beneath the water tower from the home team spawn point on the Svandia map
  • [PC][PS4] The in-game objective notifications overlapped specific HUD UI elements
  • [PC][PS4] Multiple localization issues
  • [PC] Clone`s graphical asset not displayed on the “Summary” screen after ending a session with players
  • [PS4] Player remained stuck on the “Play/Tutorials” screen if network connectivity lost after selecting “Replay Tutorial”
  • [PS4] In-game UI displayed in the main menu when losing internet connection after accessing the interactive tutorial
  • [PC][PS4] Casting Shih’s “Blade of Perfection” skill displayed a graphical corruption on the Svandia map under specific circumstances
  • [PC][PS4] Sniper`s channeling bar no longer displayed when holding the attack key bind
  • [PC][PS4] Clone not displayed as “owned” if purchased via the Clone selection screen
  • [PC][PS4] Players received a “Failed to connect” error message when selecting the “Club” button after being kicked from a club
  • [PC] The Account Creation screen e-mail text box did not detect if the user has entered an invalid e-mail
  • [PC][PS4] The Quick Game queue could not be canceled after approximately 1 minute of queue time
  • [PS4] The information present in the “Ranking” tab from the “Profile” screen was displayed inconsistently
  • [PC][PS4] Issues with invite button in Custom game lobby
  • [PC][PS4] XP up sound did not stop if player switched screen
  • [PC][PS4] Pinto can no longer use Reload skill if his ranged weapon isn’t empty
  • [PC][PS4] Bots now purchase weapons and upgrades depending on their class/skills preferences
  • [PC][PS4] Player was not redirected to the “Play” screen after account creation
  • [PC][PS4] Ingame shop inactive if opened too early on Svandia
  • [PC][PS4] Flamethrowers mod 2.1 Burning Sparks could stack damages on top of each other
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